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vendredi 15 août 2014

The royal palace in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The royal palace in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The royal palace, which is located in Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia is the place where the king dwells Malaysia and is located in a street called Avenue mansion and is there at the top of a small hill in size and surrounded by a garden and many of the monuments which by their nature are green and contain a number of trees and flowers.

Royal Palace is the place from which the official celebrations of the mandate of Kuala Lumpur in all occasions Malaysia nationalism and is allowing the general public and tourists as well as goers palace also allows to arrange a date to meet with the King personally, and this is not difficult in Malaysia, making it easier to very interview public figures and well-known can be for all in some cases seeing King come down to the market without guard and deal with people naturally Faihjunh and salute him if they wanted to and the King personally attached badge on his chest that says his name so people know if it has been hypothesized that there are those who do not know, but this is a law practice in Malaysia and that set by the government for all staff who work at the start of the government of King and even the smallest employee in the state and has been King Mahathir Mohamad do it all the time and come down himself to public places and markets unguarded commenting badge inscribed with his name.

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